Living a "Good on Paper" Life is a

Tale as Old as Time.

For decades, we have been taught to find our identities in a good relationship, confidently focus on a successful career, selflessly devote ourselves to our families, and seamlessly represent that we feel good because we look good, even though most humans are quietly struggling, secretly tallying their shortcomings, and silently suppressing our emotions... WHILE PRETENDING THAT THEY DON'T. 


In our effort to get it all "right,"

we continually live in tension because our brain gets stuck in the loop

of doing what we're "expected" to do

and constantly explaining away what we actually feel with logic or reason...

Numbing out by over-indulging.  Overeating. Over-drinking.

Overspending.  Over-scrolling.  Overworking.  Over-Consuming.

Over committing. Over __(you fill in the blank)__.

Or getting caught up in the avoidance trap by doing more for everyone else,

finding our validation in being useful, needed, or busy…

only to STILL often feel undervalued and underappreciated.



melting down emotionally &

burning out physically

while being resistant or annoyed to prospects of needing "more healing."




The problem is that most

healing work tends to focus on  

problems of the past.

The wounds of our younger selves.

A version of us who doesn't exist anymore.  


Because, technically, now WE KNOW BETTER. 

"I really don't see how highlighting that part of my life again makes a difference."

I hear you. 

Wound work is run on defeat, doubt, fear, and insecurities because


Negative Emotions and Unchallenged Thoughts

that are UNINTENTIONALLY stored

(aka suppressed) in the brain and the body.


Those experiences are the seeds of unconscious beliefs that still exist below the surface, even though we are older, wiser, and in a different place.


This is why the Library is different.


The library bridges the gap from

Awareness to Evolution 

in a way that

talk therapy, mindset coaching

& accountability/behavioral support CAN'T.


Logically Comprehending Life's Circumstances,

Having a Solid Routine of Great Habits

and Living in Genuine Fulfillment

are THREE Separate Things.

Let's Evolve

Hi, I am Nicole Herring, a certified NLP Practitioner. I help my clients ditch the good-on-paper life, initiate meaningful change, and evolve their relationship with themselves so that they can Live Life Differently, #IRL.


In 2017, I hit a wall:

I could no longer fake my smile.

"I had it all."

A good husband.  3 healthy kids.  A cozy house.

A good-on-paper life. 

...plus, a depleted body that was heavy with depression and a foggy, dysregulated brain full of

anxiety, fear & chronic self-loathing.


What started as a journey of wanting to love my motherhood as much as I love my kids became a painful realization that what I was actually seeking was to stop ABANDONING, BETRAYING & BERATING MYSELF.  What if I loved, supported & advocated for ME as well as I did for my boys?

HERE’S THE THING: seeking to live differently isn’t just about losing the fake, forced smile; it’s about Profoundly Evolving your Relationship with Yourself. It’s speaking the Language of Transformation so CREATING CHANGE Can Feel EFFORTLESS. It's uncovering the secret longings you’ve buried deep. It’s seeing and knowing yourself so clearly that you always know where to begin when you feel off track. 

It's going from OVERLY IMAGE CONCIOUS & Feeling Empty to Feeling Alive.  Feeling Joyful. Light. Effortless. Energetic. Excited. GENUINELY FULFILLED... IN REAL LIFE & on your own terms.

I'm IN!

Personal Transformation

This Library equips you with unique tools to initiate your next-level evolution & enjoy living your vision.

Practical Frameworks

We provide actionable 'How To' frameworks to support you in actionable, creative & tangible ways.

Profound Feedback

Learn the Language of Transformation to initiate yourself differently & communicate with ease.


After investing $65K and 7 years into personal & professional growth, here is what I  learned:

Evolving doesn’t come from the brain or better habits. 

Evolution is an energy, and it comes from your ability to energetically feel confident, secure, and self-supported WITHIN, no matter the circumstances.

It’s a shift from acting from the primitive part of the brain to resonating as your highest self.

YES. Therapy has its place, and the logical part of thinking about life differently is important. 

Learning how to identify your emotions or share your past experiences in a safe environment is invaluable.

But, if you have gone that route and feel like you are still struggling with a disconnected relationship with your true self, and you are ready to answer the question: "How Do I Live Life Differently?",  this Library is the next step. 


Take ownership of your satisfaction and embody self-leadership by focusing less on the wounds and more on Your Evolution.


Let’s Stop: 

- Feeling constricted, rigid, and stressed 
- Focusing on limitations, the struggle, or being overwhelmed
- Cycling in "empty busyness" looking for a sense of self in your achievements. 
These are all behaviors of the reptilian part of the brain that is built for survival and works best when operating on auto-pilot. 


Instead, Let's Initiate:

- Alignment, flexible thinking, and emotional peace 
- Healthy boundaries, personal vision, and clear direction
- Genuine Fulfillment and Renewed Enthusiasm in Life  

These are all behaviors of the higher-functioning brain, which is designed for fulfillment and works best when operating in sync with the body.  


Are You Ready?


As a community, let's focus on evolving our relationship with ourselves and the initiation of our best chapter yet. 


Your Library currently has 3 completed modules

(with 2 more on the way) and will have

35+ easy-to-digest classes that focus on the

core information for doing three things:

Break Generational Patterns

Challenging previous generations' negative beliefs, poor behaviors, emotional patterns, or “norms” can feel uncomfortable, lonely, and stressful. However, moving through the resistance you get from family, friends, or colleagues while being supported by a community of fellow seekers and evolvers is a game changer.

Redefining Rebellion through Profound Self-Leadership

Rocking the boat, being a trailblazer, and living life differently is an act of rebellion from the rule-following, people-pleasing, and approval-seeking tendencies we are programmed to adhere to.  Shifting your vision and direction is about aligning with your true self and being led by self-trust.

Grow Your Capacity & Capability to Enjoy the Well-Rounded Life You Deserve:

Genuine Personal Fulfillment, Exciting Professional Achievement, and Thriving, Enriched Relationships too.  There is such a thing as “having it all,” so let's ditch that “good on paper” checklist that was handed down to us, and clarify the gaps you need to fill.  Building a bridge to a more meaningful life experience gets to be fun and easy.

Together, we will move through the 6 Steps of Lasting Transformation, aka Evolution:

Education, Reflection, Implementation, Integration, Evaluation & Celebration

The How to Live Life Differently Library comes with 

- 5 Modules: 35+ Education Lessons 

- Simple Application: Reflection Worksheets 

- Clear Actionable Steps: “How To” frameworks for Implementation

- Personal Feedback: Weekly support for Integration with recorded Q&A sessions 

- Supportive Community: private FB group for Safe Self-Evaluation & Celebration 

Let's Do It

Library access is for 12 months, and the

Weekly Support will occur

mid-June through mid-November.

The 12 months of access is designed to

encourage program completion through

initiating action, integration support,

and sustainable progress month after month. 


Can you renew your access? Yes, of course! 

But the reality is,


The intention is that by the end of 12 months

of you taking action & receiving integration support,

that the content of this library will feel natural and like OLD news! 


It took me 7 years to piece together this process in my unique way, but I believe this library, paired with your commitment and our powerful community, will make an "empty & unfulfilled” life unrecognizable (in the best way!) in no time.  

I want people everywhere to feel empowered, profound, and unshakable so that everything they have learned can be passed down to the next generation!  

I’d love for you to speak the Language of Transformation EFFORTLESSLY and gladly refer this library to people who have been impacted & awed by your evolution. 

>>> Pricing Transparency <<<

Going from coaching 1:1 to developing my process into a product requires some flexibility, because I need to be able to easily add/clarify content, create additional worksheets, and edit the library in response to your questions.  

Besides the main result of actually initiating a profound relationship with yourself, you will benefit THREEFOLD when joining early: INCREDIBLE PRICE, IMPACTFUL CONNECTIONS & More Personal Interactions.



>>> When Feedback/Coaching Sessions begin in June 2024, the beta price will be $499

>>> When Module 4 is added in July 2024, the beta price will be $549

>>>When Module 5 is added in September 2024, the beta price will be $699.

Any additional content deemed necessary through the beta round of 2024 will be included at no cost.  RECORDINGS FOR ALL FEEDBACK/COACHING SESSIONS (June-November) WILL BE INCLUDED FOR THE DURATION OF YOUR LIBRARY ACCESS.

Official 2025 pricing is TBD, but I anticipate two tiers: One year of access to the 5-module library will be around $499, and 12 months of library access PLUS 5 months of feedback/coaching sessions and support January 2025- May 2025 (similar to those delivered in this beta round) will be $1500+.
I want the best price!

Who is this library best for??? 

Long story short:

People who seek the best life has to offer,

INCLUDING a well-supported & genuinely fulfilled version of themself.  

I'm Ready to Begin